Corner Love

14 x 11 Oil on Canvas

There is nothing better to paint after a dry spell then my little muse,  Sophie.  This scene is from a corner in my painting room. I swear Sophie knows when I'm taking her picture, just like supermodels she poses this pose and that pose, what a little ham.


  1. Beautiful job on the curtains. I can feel the luminescense.

  2. Amy, I love the light coming in through the window! What a cozy place for Sophie!

  3. Miss Sophie. Darling and so cozy and serene. Well I didn't receive this in an email so I subscribed again. you might check to see if I'm listed twice. Enjoyed lunch!

  4. What a beautiful painting, I love the color palette very soft and delicate. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Me again. Love the looseness of the brush work in the window, window treatment and the chair. Adds to the whole wonderful mood of softness you have so beautifully created here!

  6. Thank you Pam, Nancy, Ivy and Debbi, Sophie got her name because I wanted to find a name that would reflect how soft she is, so Softie became Sophie.


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