Shadow Performance

18 x 14 Oil on Canvas

Blogging and Painting, Painting and Blogging which came first the chicken or the egg? Well I did paint before I started blogging, but I have to admit it just wasn't as fun.  Blogging added a new  element--other people!  The painting is the expression of me being my me-ness, but without the blogging platform I would be in my own little vacuum being me, whoop-te-do. On the other hand, I really can't imagine blogging without showing my paintings. 

 I heard recently that the show or the performance is what completes the creative process and is essential to nourishing the creative juices.  I really can't imagine a comedian or actor getting very good at their craft (or having as much fun) if they just did their performance in the bathroom mirror by themselves all the time, day after day, week after week.  The audience is needed isn't it?


  1. Amy, very beautiful painting, and inspiring message! I agree, it's more fun to share!

  2. Love the shadow! And I enjoy blogging because I get to see your (ok, others, too) paintings!

  3. And WHAT a blogger you are! I love so many things on your blog - BESIDES your paintings! Hey, I recognize that pillow! I love the simplicity of your designs, and the precision of your surfaces! Good one!

  4. You're absolutely right. Art is to share!
    And what a great chair painting this is. Love the double lightsource/shadow. Great offset of the composition, nice purples and browns. Very nice.

  5. So true Amy, thanks for helping me to slow down and really consider that aspect.

  6. Making art alone in the studio all day can be a lonely business. I too am grateful for blogging and for blogs like yours—it is nice to know someone else is out there working away too!


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