Which Would You Choose?

Dig 'em  © 2011 Amy Hillenbrand
14 x 18 oil on canvas
 $650.00 + shipping and handling 
I paint from photographs I take. I thought it might be fun for you to see some of the photos I took for this painting. Let me know if there is another photo from this group you would like to see me paint. Really, I really mean it.  I'd love to hear from you.

Here's the one I chose.


  1. Oh Amy, I think you chose perfectly. And that reflection... wow!

  2. definitely, you made the best choice. how you paint a reflection, I'll never know!

  3. Super cute! Glad there is another Austin gal in Flying Lessons class.

  4. You are having way too much fun. Love this!

  5. do the birds eye view one :D Why not?
    I love your shoe portraits.

  6. Great reflections. So interesting to see your process. Am enjoying the kiddie shoe paintings, too.

  7. Very nice work. I just noticed you live in Austin. My daughter just moved back to Oklahoma from there. She lived in Steiner Ranch for a couple of years and I was down there visiting, went to a art show. Got to know a couple of artists from down there.

  8. Beautiful work and yes, the one with the reflection would have been my choice too.
    Michelle from KRRFL.


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