Day 9 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Thistle Thistle Little Star  © 2013 Amy Hillenbrand
10 x 8 Oil on board

About the Painting

I know….I know….another thistle Painting.  Is it crazy I am having so much fun painting so much Thistle?  Not only have I had fun painting thistle, I have also learned much about thistle. 

Like how it is famous Scotland's National symbol. There is even an “Order of the Thistle’ and is found in many of the names of their ‘football clubs’. Scottish lore talks about it helped save Scottish troops when the Norse army was sneaking up on them at night when a barefoot Norseman stepped on a thistle & cried out to alert the Scots of the invaders.  Did you know that the thistle is even in the flag of Montreal and in Carnegie Mellon University’s crest of honor. Impressive, eh?(Canadian)  Then I could go on and on about their medicinal purpose.  But I won't.

As Paul Harvey use to say….”And now you know the rest of the story.”  Thistle Thistle Little Star



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