The Secret to Finding Your True Why

Large Magnolia Flower Painting in soft pastel colors

©Amy Hillenbrand

"INNER PEACE" 36 x 36 oil on canvas with painted gallery edge

contemporary flower painting by Amy Hillenbrand - available


What do you want? And do you know why you want it? So, if you had perfect health or a perfect job or a perfect relationship or even if there was perfect world peace, how would you feel? It would be wonderful to have all those perfect things. But how you would feel is where the magic is.  Happy? Joyful? Peaceful? Amazing?

A couple of years ago, I learned this wonderful exercise to figure out Why you REALLY want something. Because "they" say when you know why you want something: it helps you stay on course towards the future you desire. 

So here it is... Ask yourself why you want something 7 times. Usually we only ask our self this question once and this is good but, it only gives us a surface answer. The goal is to know what is really driving you and make that conscious to yourself. 

Example: Why do you desire to be your ideal weight? You may get something like; to look better in my clothes. So next you ask, why do I want to look better in my clothes? or why is that important to me? Then you get that answer (answer #2) and you ask again why do I want that or why is that important to me and so on and so on. Until you get to the 7th answer. Trust me, you will know when you discover your true WHY. Your heart will burst open with major #goosebumps action. You will also know when you arrived at the true answer because it will be a feeling word. This exercise really can be life changing. Try it 😁!  




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